Palm Sunday or Good Friday

1 Timothy 6: 12 Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of eternal life.

Palm Sunday is the celebration of the Triumphal Entry, when Jesus came riding into Jerusalem with the praises of the people. They laid down their cloaks and cut branches from palms to pave His way. It was a glorious procession of victory with shouts of joy. That same week Jesus would be rejected by the authorities and crucified. That event is memorialized in Good Friday services. Good Friday was good for us, but not good for Jesus. It was not good for his disciples. The disciples scattered in fear and confusion at what was supposed to be a time of victory. Traditionally the Good Friday service is a somber reminder of Jesus’ rejection, torture, crucifixion, death, and burial.

If we take a step back and get a bigger view of Believers in general, it seems that Christians either live a victorious Palm Sunday Christianity or a struggling Good Friday Christianity.

Palm Sunday, the Triumphal Entry is the proclamation that the Messiah has come to fight the fight of eternity, for us! Good Friday is the Messiah’s fight. We can live in a celebration of Palm Sunday, or in the struggle of Good Friday. It appears that most Christians fight the fight Jesus already won in His battle on Good Friday.

A Good Friday fight is fighting for survival. It is characterized by adversity, frustration, feeling abused and helpless. The Triumphal Entry is fighting for the spoils of victory. It is a fight to take back what the devil has stolen. It is fulfilling the victory that has already been won. Fighting and winning is so much better than fighting and losing.

The fight is inevitable. The perspective with which we fight is optional.

We know there will be another Triumphal Entry when Jesus comes in His glory! We also know there will never be another Good Friday fight. I encourage you to choose to live your days in the expectation of your triumphant entry into His Glorious Triumphal Entry!


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