All Things Work Together for Good

“All things work together for good.” Romans 8:28. But, sometimes there looks like a disconnect with this verse and people’s lives. We know Christians that have had terrible things happened to them, and some never recovered. It sure looks like some things are not good.

“We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

There are three parts to this verse. The first part is a promise and the next two are conditions.

The best part is the promise. All things – are working – for our good. There is hardly a better promise in the Bible. God, The Omnipotent Creator, is working for our good! Can we wrap our heads around how good God does good? 😃!

The first condition of the promise is “to those that love God”. This promise of everything working for good does not extend to everyone. Non-Believers have no such assurances. Of course God loves those who love Him. Jesus said even heathen love those that love them. How much more will a perfect God love those who love Him!?!

The second condition is much more quizzical. What does it mean to be “called according to His purpose”? What is “His purpose”?

“Purpose” means the reason for the design. All things are designed for a purpose. Using an item in a way that it was not intended can be futile if not disastrous. God has created an amazing world that is intricately designed. Each living and inanimate object has a purpose. God has a purpose for each one of us that is different from everyone else’s.

Luke 7:30 says the Pharisees rejected God’s purposes for them. Have you ever not done what you felt God told you to do? I know I have. Thank God, because of His great love for us, asking for forgiveness wipes the leger of guilt clean, and we can start fresh!

To live in our purpose requires our commitment to faithfulness to His written Word and His revealed Word. His written word is of course, the Bible. His revealed Word is obedience to the application of that written Word in our daily lives. Remember, when the Bible talks about faith, it is not about what we give mental assent to, but how that belief manifests in our lives.

This promise is one of the greatest in the Bible. I want the assurance of all the crazy things in my life are working for my good. I encourage the same to you. Work every day on loving God and living His Principles.


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