Sought By God

It is nice to be sought after. Do you remember when as a kid playing outside and picking teams? Do you remember how good it felt to be picked early and not last. Yeah, neither do I. 🙄😄 But it is a great feeling to be wanted and appreciated. It is nice when people reach out to you, or you are recognized by someone important.

On the other side, chasing people to find significance is hard. It is exhausting to reach out to people to find some fulfillment or recognition, because it is never enough. It is proverbial that some adults strive to gain the approval of a father or mother, even after those parents may be deceased.

Sometimes we chase God, seemingly without success. We find ourselves begging God for relief of some physical or emotional pain, only to find the pain is still present.

To the contrary, Jesus talking to the woman at the well in Samaria said,

But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. (John 4:23)

This is a reversal of thought. God is the one seeking. The world is full of seekers. People pride themselves on being seekers. There are even some that are so darkened that they search to prove what they are looking for doesn’t exist. Yet all the time God is seeking!

Even Christians search for God. They search for meaning, purpose, design. All the while God is saying “I’m right here!” They keep looking around Him to see Him! As it is said, they can’t see the forest because all the trees are in the way.

God sought Adam. God sought out David. God sought Elijah in the cave. God sought out the virgin Mary. God sought Saul who we know as the Apostle Paul. There are many other such examples in the scriptures.

A haunting question is, is God looking for you?

Don’t hunt for God. Be still. Be patient. Be attentive, and He will find you. God is much better at finding you than you are at finding Him!

Worshippers are on an exciting journey. Worshippers will find themselves going from glory to glory, and from revelation to revelation. He is calling to us to worship in Spirit and Truth where He will be pouring out His Presence.

Do you hear the calling? Is He calling to you right now?


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Les Lawrence
Les Lawrence
10 months ago

Encouraging word….
Thanks for sharing.

Les Lawrence
Les Lawrence
10 months ago

Haha, ha, How ironic. My comment needs your approval. 😇

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