Many have heard the voice of God. Most of the time it is a gentle nudging or a thought that comes to mind. Few it seems understand that they are the voice of God to those who don’t hear.
2 Corinthians 5:20 describes believers as ambassadors. An ambassador is defined as a “diplomat of the highest rank sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country”.
We are ambassadors of the Kingdom. We have been appointed as the highest ranking, official representative of the Kingdom of God to this foreign land. He has committed to us as His representatives the “message of reconciliation” (vs. 18-20). The message He has given us to “beg” (NASB) or “implore” (NIV) the people of this land, “be reconciled to God”. The definition of reconcile is, “restore friendly relations” or “cause to coexist in harmony”.
The calling of your life is to be God’s voice to this land; telling these people that He has made a way through Jesus to live with Him in harmony.