Acts 3:6 “What I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!”
How is it possible limbs that have never been functional; bones never held weight, muscles and nerves never used, suddenly become fully functional? It was a power flow from a spiritual realm to the natural realm.
Theoretical physics has postulated the existence of what is now called Wormholes. Mass/energy, at times, seemed to have traveled at instantaneous speeds, which point to “shortcuts” in time and space. They were also called “bridges” or “portholes”.
There is a very thin barrier between this natural world and the spiritual world. How does one open a porthole between them? By conscious effort. Opening yourself up to the supernatural kingdom is done primarily through prayer to God and meditation on His precepts. The purpose of prayer is as much about us attaining a vision, as it is about the people and/or events for which we are praying. As we are praying in faith, we see God’s kingdom miracles working in the lives of those for whom we are praying. We are thereby encouraged by our prayer because we are seeing the power of God fall on the need.

True Believers have keys to portholes of Life. I believe our purpose on this earth is to open passages of the power of God and bring that power to this kingdom. We all have different keys, to different anointings, as solutions, to different problems. We bring to this world positive solutions to their problems. It is time we open those avenues that the anointing can flow.
Today, let’s press into our “porthole” and make it bigger.
We should dwell in God’s presence, catch the vision, shine the light, then transfer that kingdom blessing, wherever the Holy Spirit leads us. We are walking around with a miracle waiting to happen!