Do we talk ourselves out of living in the anointing that has been created for us? We remember our poor choices made years ago. What should have been done, wasn’t. And what shouldn’t have been done, happened. On this road of life, our past failures have led us to dead-end streets, unpaved, bumpy dirt roads, or still stuck in a ditch many years later. Now our hope of being blessed and vibrant, is gone. It’s too late.
We remember the failures. Who I married, or who I didn’t marry. The job that I should have left, or the one I shouldn’t have. The habits I couldn’t (or wouldn’t) get rid of. Maybe it was someone that did us wrong. They stole from us, deceived us, cheated us. Now life is tainted and it’s too late to fix.

Let’s talk about Peter. Peter saw many miracles! He was in Jesus’ inner circle. But Peter fled when Jesus was arrested. In Matthew 26 Peter denied ever associating with Jesus, with curses and a solemn oath! Jesus said in Matthew 10:33, “If you deny me before men I will deny you before My Father.” Peter was a major failure.
Peter wept bitterly at his failures. Have you mourned your failures? Are you still mourning your failures years later? Are you defining yourself by your failures?
John 21 records Jesus asking Peter three times, “Do you love me?” Three times Peter responded, “I love you.” Jesus followed with, “Feed my sheep.” Jesus then said to Peter in John 21:19, “Follow me.” Jesus called Peter like the first calling, but this time Peter wasn’t just a fisherman. He had become a trained Apostle.
Do you lift your failure above the forgiveness of God? Do you define your failures as greater than God can redeem? God can pour on you every blessing He designed for you, even the blessings you have missed.
Thank God!